These are the tools of the trade! Some of these you my know, some may be new to you. These implements will be featured in competitions, so you need to get familiar with them if you want to be the strongest man or woman you can be! Possibly in the WORLD! Absolute world records (Open weight classes) are included below to see where you stack up! A brief description is included to give further details. If you are trying to find a strongman home, be sure to find a location with most or all of this equipment! You may be able to rig your current gym equipment to meet your needs, but there’s nothing like the real thing!
Atlas stones
These are stones molded out of concrete into globes or they can also be loadable steel stones. They can vary in weight and diameter. They can be loaded to a platform or over a bar to a set height. They will test your posterior chain strength, grip, and endurance. Chalk or tacky can be use on the stones to improve the grip and enable the athlete to load heavier weights. Tacky is not usually allowed on a stone of steel. Atlas stones are one of the most recognizable strongman events.
The official world record for the heaviest stone is 560lbs (254kgs)! Held by Brian Shaw.
axle barbell
Axle bars can be solid or hollow ad are usually 2” diameter. They are also known as the Apollon’s Axle. They can be used for overhead press, clean and press, continental clean and press and deadlift variations. They are similar to regular barbells, but are stiffer (no whip). They usually offer no knurling for extra grip. The axle is a very useful addition to a strongman arsenal.
The official world record is 476lbs (216kgs)! Held by Eddie Hall.
Axle bars are also used to test grip not only in strongman movements and competitions, but also in grip competitions. Double overhand deadlift grip is tested in these competitions.
The official world record is 528lb (240kgs)! Held by Terry Hollands.
Car deadlift platform
This is used to offer a different and more theatrical deadlift variation. The platform can be loaded with regular weights, kegs, tires and even a car. The grips can be either standard with the bar directly in front of the athlete, or neutral with the grips at the side. Due to the lever mechanics of the platform the deadlift will be slightly different than a traditional deadlift. It can be a difficult task to mimic the platform and it is a very specific piece of equipment. Some platforms offer additional attachments that allow for a lever squat to be performed as well.
This is a 10-12” diameter dumbbell. Usually the handle is also a larger diameter, close to 2”, similar to an axle. They are used for single arm overhead pressing. Usually a double hand clean is allowed, and the press is done single armed.
The official world record is 315lbs (143kgs)! Held by Dimitar Savatinov
The Conan’s Wheel is modeled after the implement used in the movie Conan the Barbarian. The implement can be large or it can be MASSIVE! it is a single pivot point mounted to the ground with a long pole mounted horizontally. It is front carried and pushed in a circular pattern. Max overall distance or max distance for time is usually tested. Often the wheel is carried in a Zercher carry fashion, however, sometimes the implement can be so big that it is carried more as a yoke on the shoulders.
These are two neutral grip implements that are lifted individually in each hand and carried. They can be carried for distance or for time or even as part of a medley. The handles can be regular barbell diameter or even 2” like an axle. They may or may not have knurling. They will test your grip, strength, speed and endurance.
Similar to the farmers handles, however the handles are connected in the front and back to form a rectangle. These can be used for similar events as the farmers handles, carries for time or distance, but can also be used for deadlift variations. There are standard frames and recently there have been similar frames, dead sled and rickshaws which have one open end to allow for more variety of use from the equipment in training. Even a trap bar can be used as an easy, cheap alternative. Although the real thing is still the best way to go. Because the handles are in a neutral grip the athlete is able to lift a much heavier load than a traditional deadlift.
The original Husafell in Iceland is a thing of legends! It is a massive 420lb (190kg) natural stone that is front carried. If you can lift the stone to your hips you are halfsterker, if can lift the stone to your chest and walk, you are fulsterker! Also steel loadable husafells are available and more versatile for training and competitions. Concrete can also be formed into a set weight husafell. In competitions and training, the implement is used for moving events. They are front carried for time or for distance.
Kegs can come in multiple sizes. Large kegs are used for loading, carrying and pressing. Small kegs are used for tossing. Kegs can be filled with various media and the properties of the media will change the way a keg feels when used. Sand and lead shot will be generally stable, but water can slosh around and make using the kegs unbalanced. Generally they are filled with sand. Kegs can be a very useful and versatile in training. One keg can be loaded to different weights and used for multiple events. They are quite durable and can be very easy and cheap to come by. Recently implements have been made that are loadable with actual weight plates. These can be very use full in training and are easier to change weights than a traditional keg. Although, the weights are more stable and are less likely to be imbalanced they way a sand filled or water filled keg might be. this may be great for training, however they cannot correctly simulate a keg for an actual competition.
natural stones
These stones can vary in shapes and weights as they are created by nature. Recently people have replicated the original Husafell stone (also a natural stone!) with concrete molds. These stones can be carried for distance or shouldered by athletes. Each stones is unique and the differences between different stones, each nook and cranny, can offer it’s own challenges including grip and balance points. You can make your own stone or even find one in nature! These stones can uniquely test anobody’s true strength!
Hussafell Stone - Iceland, The original and true Husafell, 409lbs (186kgs) Pictured.
loading/POWER pin
Loading pins can be used for various events and training. In some instances a “T” bar can be attached and it can be used for duck walks and lifting up power stairs. They can also be used to attach grip implements with a carabiner to test athletes grip strength. The loading pin is essential to grip competitions. Some of the most popular grip implements are :
Rolling Thunder - 287lbs (130kgs) Alexey Tyukalov
Hub - 90lbs (41kgs) - Clay Edgin
Country Crush 2” - 451lbs (205kgs) - Carl Myerscough
Country Crush 3” - 336lbs (152kgs) - Carl Myerscough
Country Crush 3” Raptor - 1822lbs (82kgs) - Carl Myerscough
Grip records courtesy of Armlifting USA
And many more!
(Grip page coming soon!)
Log press is a staple in strongman. The logs can be made from actual wood logs, such as Slater Logs, or they can be welded steel. They come in a variety of diameters. Most commonly 8”, 10” and 12”. The grips are set into the log in a neutral grip position The clean and press create a unique dynamic that is almost impossible to replicate with other equipment.
The official world record is 502.5lbs (228kgs)! Held by Žydrūnas Savickas.
These can be small or large and with or without handles. The large sandbags are used for loading, shouldering or carrying. The small bags usually have handles and are used for tossing over bars set at heights (similar to small kegs). The sandbags can be used for training strength, endurance and explosion (tossing). They are very versatile. All the bags are loadable to various weights to adjust for training and competition weights. Usually they are filled with sand, but other media can be used for different uses. When used for training loading they can mimic kegs or atlas stones.
Ironmind, Cerebus and Rogue are the most common sandbags used in competition.
truck push/pull
This is exactly what it sounds like. A heavy car, pickup truck or semi truck can be used as an implement. This can make the event very theatrical in competition. When pushing the truck, it is similar to a sled, however the wheels will allow the athlete to gain momentum and keeping a pace can be invaluable. When pulling behind the athlete uses a shoulder harness attached to a rope that is attached to the truck. The truck is pulled behind the athlete for distance and time. Again the momentum is invaluable. Another possible variation is the arm over arm truck pull. The athlete will be stationary and will pull a rope, hand over hand, that is attached to the vehicle. Fastest time or furthest distance wins.
viking press
The viking press is a mounted pivot that is pressed overhead. The implement is loaded to various weights. The press is similar to a regular press however the pivot angel can change the weight in hand and bar path. The grips can be normal or neutral grip. One of the differences in the viking press is that a dip, or catch, after the initial press is not allowed. These machines can be very large and are not common in most gyms as they really only have a few specific purposes. (Can also be used for lever squats.) Recently companies have come out with swing arms that attach to squat racks. These could be used to mimic a viking press.
Sleds are used for pushing or can be attached to rope or strap for arm over arm pulling or dragging. They are used for most of the same things as vehicle, but without the wheels to maintain momentum. They are also much smaller and can be used indoors and inside training facilities.These can test your strength and endurance. They can be very difficult, leading to the dreaded term “prowler flu”. In competition they can be used alone as a heavy sled, or can be part of a medley.
wagon wheels
These are large metal disc that are used in place of regular plates. They raise the bar off the ground and are similar to a block pull. The size of the wheels can vary to create different pull heights. Tires mounted to wheels can also be used. Usually they are attached to a 2” axle instead of regular deadlift bar. These can be a little easier to setup and use than blocks for pulls. Often times in competition these are used instead of a traditional deadlift from the standard weight plate height.
These can be small or large. The large tires are usually tractor tires and can be used for flipping on the ground or for heavily weighting other large implements. Tire flips are done in medleys and max flip variations. The small tires can be used for throwing overhead and behind. They can also be used as padding for other implements such as the log and circus dumbbell. Tires can also be mounted to specialty wheels built to fit a bar, and are loaded similar to weight plates. They can be used to raise the bar to a block deadlift height from the ground. Often times the are used for axle and continental presses. This makes dropping the bar to the ground easier, safer and more convenient for the athlete. Often times you can find free tires which makes them even more appealing!
The yoke can be a good start to a strongman arsenal due to it’s variety of uses. Aside from being just a yoke, it can be used as a squat stand when J-hooks are used. When loaded to super heavy weights it is referred to as a super yoke! The yoke is a unique implement that looks similar to a squat stand with a fixed crossbar. The bar goes across the athletes back and is picked and carried for distance. This can be used as a stand alone event when a super yoke or as part of a moving medley. The yoke can also be used as bar height to load implements such as sandbags and stones over bar. The yoke can also be used for Zercher carries when the cross bar height is lowered.
Weight plates - Bumper and steel
Squat Rack/ Squat stand (A yoke can double as a squat stand)
Kettle bells
Specialty Bars (Football bar, Swiss bar, curl bar, SSB, Cambered bar)
Collars - Standard and Axle collars
Pulleys/Lat Pull down/Low Row Machine - Lat pull-down or low row